In this article you will learn how to place an email this post link or button at the bottom of each post in a Blogger Blogspot blog. You may have noticed that some blogs give readers the option below their posts to email the article to themselves or a friend via a link or button. This affords readers yet another way to have access to your posts and a link for them to find you if they want to call back. This email link should not be confused with the subscribe by email link which once a reader is signed up to will give them regular updates of each post you publish. This email link on the other hand only emails the reader the single post they are interested in. There are several ways to place an email this post link on your Blogger Blogspot blog. Here are three methods known to me. Add Email This Post to Blogger - Method 1 The easiest method. Adds an email button to the end of each post. 1. Login to Blogger if not already logged in 2. Navigate to Layout > Page Elements 3. Within...
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