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Showing posts from June, 2009

Add Email This Post Link to Blogger

In this article you will learn how to place an email this post link or button at the bottom of each post in a Blogger Blogspot blog. You may have noticed that some blogs give readers the option below their posts to email the article to themselves or a friend via a link or button. This affords readers yet another way to have access to your posts and a link for them to find you if they want to call back. This email link should not be confused with the subscribe by email link which once a reader is signed up to will give them regular updates of each post you publish. This email link on the other hand only emails the reader the single post they are interested in. There are several ways to place an email this post link on your Blogger Blogspot blog. Here are three methods known to me. Add Email This Post to Blogger - Method 1 The easiest method. Adds an email button to the end of each post. 1. Login to Blogger if not already logged in 2. Navigate to Layout > Page Elements 3. Within...

Add Printer Button or Link to Blogger Blogspot

Today's article will show you how to add a print button or printer link to your Blogger Blogspot blog. The facility to print a hard copy of a post may be important to some visitors especially if you are like me and publish lengthy posts. Adding a printer button or link will add to your blog's functionality and user friendliness. The reason I am writing this article is in response to a reader who asked me how to print out posts without the sidebar showing up. All the suggested buttons and links print out the post only and not the sidebar, header or footer. This tutorial involves changing the template code but is not difficult as long as you follow these step by step instructions. How to Add a Custom Print Button to Your Blogger Blogspot Blog The following instructions will place a printer button on each individual page of your blog below the post. Only the blog article itself will be printed along with any comments. The sidebar will not be printed. Example of the printer but...

Add Banner Adsense Above Blogger Header

One of my readers asked me how to add a Google Adsense ad unit above the header of a Blogger Blogspot blog. Rather than post a long reply I decided to write an article about it so that others looking for help to place an affiliate banner or Google Adsense banner at the top of their blog will find the solution more easily. To set up Blogger so that ad units can be placed above the header requires the addition of a snippet of code to your Blogger Template. I have aimed this tutorial at beginners and newbies to Blogger. The tweak can be performed in less than 5 minutes. How to Add a Google Adsense Ad Unit or an Affiliate Banner Above the Blogger Header 1. Login to Blogger if not already logged in 2. Navigate to Layout > Edit HTML 3. As a precaution back up your template by downloading the full template to your computer 4. Tick the Expand Widget Templates box 5. Using CTRL + F to bring up the search box find this line which in most templates will be directly after <body> tag ...

Add Email Subscription Form and Links to Blogger Blogspot

In this tutorial you will learn how to add an email subscription form to your Blogger Blogspot blog so that your visitors will have easy access to your latest updates via email. Adding an email subscription form to your blog is very easy to do and is one way to stimulate repeat visits to your blog. Below is a step by step walkthrough of how to add an email subscription form to a Blogger blog. I have broken down the steps so that even beginners and newbies can easily follow the steps. Why Offer the Option to Receive Updates Via Email? If you are keen to have your visitors return to your blog then as a webmaster you can facilitate this by giving them options about how they would like to receive your updates. Receiving updates by email is just one of several options that you can offer your visitors to turn them from a one time visitor into a regular follower. Other common choices are to follow you in a reader such as Google Reader or alternatively follow you on Twitter. I have recently ...

Show Date Above Blogger Post Title

Sometimes you may download a Blogger Blogspot template which does not display the date header above the post title. I recently struck a free Blogger template like this and it took some time to find the right part of the template to fix the date. Plus the answer was not as far as I could tell listed in Blogger help. So to help anyone desperately struggling to find the solution to this problem I have decided to share this information in this article. To Display the Date Header Above Post Title 1. Log in to Blogger 2. Go to Layout > Edit HTML 3. Back up your template before attempting any changes 4. Type the following into the search box (CTRL + F) to find the block of code beginning with this line: &ltdata:adStart/&gt 5. Paste the following lines of code &ltb:if cond='data:post.dateHeader'&gt &lth2 class='date-header'&gt&ltdata:post.dateHeader/&gt&lt/h2&gt &lt/b:if&gt into the code block as shown here: ...

Tips to Add a Digg Button to Blogger Blogspot

Today's article discusses where to place a button on your Blogspot Blogger blog and shows you how to add an integrated digg button to your blog. The button allows your blog's visitors to digg posts from your blog and submit those articles to Digg. What is Digg is a social content site where readers submit stories, videos and images. Depending on interest and popularity articles are commented on by members. You can encourage your readers to digg your stories by adding a Digg button to your Blogger blog. The button will display a real time count of the number of times your post has been dugg. Why Add a Digg Button to My Blogger Blogspot Blog? Why would I want to add more buttons to my blog you may be wondering. Well there are a number of reasons why getting on board with Digg will be helpful to you in growing your blog. Digg is a ready source of traffic that can drive visitors to your blog and it is too important to overlook. When visitors digg your stories ...

Free Essential Tools for a Blogspot Blogger

Today's post is a collection of free internet tools essential for any Blogger Blogspot webmaster but particularly beginners who wish to improve and grow their blog. While there are lots of tools on the internet that are of use to a Blogger Blogspot blogger you have to hunt for them. Chances are that you may have already discovered some of these while others may be quite new to you. Here is my list of some free internet tools that I find invaluable in building my blog. This is not a definitive list by any means. I will update it regularly as I discover more and more tools. Free Banner Generator Banner Sketch is an easy to use tool to help you create a title banner and other banners for your blog Free Icons for RSS Feeds Find stylish rss feed icons for your blog at Hongkiat Ultimate List of Feed Icons Free Image Watermarking Service Add a watermark to your images to deter image theft on your blog with this free image watermarking service from Free Fav Icon Genera...