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Showing posts from February, 2015

How to Choose a Custom Blogger Template to Avoid Problems

So you have downloaded a custom Blogger template from the internet and now you want to customize it to the needs of your Blogger blog (Blogspot blog). Before you expend all that energy check under the hood to make sure the Blogger template isn't a lemon and that you are not going to be wasting your valuable time. Blogger has been around for some years now and has gone through many changes. Before the most recent default templates were introduced, the choice of default templates was not that great leading many developers to crank out a heap of custom templates to meet the demand of bloggers looking for a theme that matched their blog. The problem was however, that many of these Blogger themes had missing code and many had hard coded fonts, color schemes, gadgets etc requiring coding knowledge to make alterations to the template. Many of these custom templates are still around to download. Some are good, some not so good. Be aware if you use a custom template on your Blogger blog it...

How to Change the Blog Description Font Color in Blogger

Those new to Blogger often ask about how to change the blog description in a Blogger blog . In today's Blogger tutorial I show you how to modify your blog description using the Template Editor to change the color of the font. If you have made changes to the background color of your header you may also want to change the font color of the blog description. If you want to learn how to change the font style or change the look of the text please see my Blogger tutorial on how to change the font size and font style of the blog description . How to Change the Color of the Blog Description Before you start ensure you have blog description enabled on your Blogger blog. This tutorial assumes you have a default Blogger template installed on your blog. If you are using a custom template these instructions may or may not work depending on the coding of your custom Blogger template. Log on to Blogger and navigate to the dashboard of your blog From the left hand menu select "Template" ...

How to Change the Font of the Blog Description in the Blogger Header

In today's Blogger tutorial I show you step-by-step how to change the font style and font size of the blog description . The blog description is the tag line under the Blog Name that appears in the header section of your Blogger blog. If you do not yet have the blog description for your Blogger blog enabled follow these steps: From your Blogger dashboard select "Settings" which is located at the bottom of the left menu Then choose "Basic" Type your blog description in the description box located below the blog name. (Make sure you choose something that describes what your blog is about) Save your changes. Choose View Blog to see the blog description you added now in your blog header. The main reason you might want to change the font of the default blog description is because the blog description in default Blogger templates is on the small side. Just by increasing it to 16px or even 20px will make a difference. Also you might want to customize the blog descript...