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7 Strategies to Build a Successful Blog

7 Strategies to Build a Successful Blog 
To build a successful blog (something I am pursuing as well), is not easy.
Required perseverance, patience, dedication, and enthusiasm for learning is high. Moreover, if the goal is to earn money from a blog, it is not an easy thing.
I see many bloggers who initially so excited, so excited, finally broke the blog 'suspended animation'. Why? Because I see they do not have the capital base, which is necessary to build a successful blog.
Well, this time I want to convey 7 basic capital must be held in order to build a successful blog. Almost all the factors below, can be developed and studied.
So really there is no reason, if we have a strong determination to succeed become a professional blogger. 
7 This is the basic for building a successful blog: 

1. Sufficient time

Not everyone has enough time to build a successful blog. While blogging itself is one of the activities that most of your time.
Not only to write a good article, but you also need a lot of time to build a network with other bloggers, commenting on other blogs, gather information, moderate comments and reward, as well as a series of other tasks that would take quite a bit.
How successful your blog, in proportion to how much time you are prepared to blogging?

2. Ability to write

Do you have the ability to ideas, concepts and ideas through a series of sentences in written form? Are you able to type without errors of grammar and spelling?
Blogging, (like it or not) is the activity of writing. Having the ability to write well is one of the basic capital to successfully build a blog. However, of course you do not have to be a "linguist" to become a blogger. Your ability will increase if honed over time. 

3. Mastering topics

One of the things that make a blog to be successful is that you have to master your chosen topic. At least you have the ability and extensive knowledge in the field.
Of course, do not have to have a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering in order to create a blog about how to fix the machine, for example. But, at a minimum you have the expertise, experience, and knowledge and skills in terms of repairing damage to the engine. 

4. Passion

What I mean here is the passion, the pleasure you get when you talk about your chosen topic. Without the spirit and passion of this, you will get tired, bored and eventually stop. Building a successful blog seems to be far from expectations.

5. The technical knowledge

Like it or not, in blogging you will deal with technical matters, such as dealing with hosting, domain settings, databases and so forth.
Even if you use free blogging services such as Blogger or WordPress, which is made easy with both and reduce constraints in technical terms, but nonetheless necessary technical knowledge to run it well. You need to equip themselves with a basic knowledge of html, scripts, dns server, plugins and so on. 

6. Knowledge of blogging

It's actually still part of the technical knowledge I mean above, but more specifically to the knowledge of the world of blogging itself.
As you have to equip themselves with knowledge of the ping service, social bookmarking, blog carnival and others. So is the stock of knowledge about search engine optimization (SEO) and so on. It should also be knowledgeable about how the world of blogging (blogosphere) applies, such as blogging etiquette and so on.

7. Creativity and innovation ideas

I see successful bloggers are also people who are creative and different in presenting something. Which became a benchmark here is not the extent to which you can present something better, but rather to how you can present something in a different way. Creativity is also very necessary in terms of presenting a good and valuable content to readers.
That's 7 basic and most fundamental capital which I think is very necessary to build a successful blog.
May be added also the ability to design and build a good communication to build a strong network, either with other bloggers or readers.
In closing I want to say that in order to successfully build a blog takes passion, strong desire, and love of the chosen topic.
How about you? Have you had all the basic capital of the above? Or you have another opinion?
May also have to supplement the above list? Please share by commenting. Always success.


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