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9 Tips to Make Blog Become Viral On Social Media

9 Tips to Make Blog Become Viral On Social Media

Posts 9 Tips to Make Blog Become Viral Social Media is not mean to patronize or what. It's just a writing experience sharing articles viral or viral content on the blog.
The existence of social media era, as now, the more easier for the blog owner to bring more visitors to the blog management. In addition to a way to share social media accounts belong to ourselves, we can also seek user-social media users another participating share our articles, by posting an article or potentially viral content.Viral content

Previously I have discussed topics usually become viral and can spread in social media, so the articles that discuss the topic secured the thousands, tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of readers. Here comes the discussion: What Not To SEO Experts, Here's How To Blog Reads Jitu Tens of Thousand People
After finding the idea of ​​writing that is expected to be popular and spread in social media, the next is to think of ways to publish articles that later we can truly become viral. For that, let's not forget some of the tips below:
1. NO Copas!
If you want a blog article went viral on social media and be read by thousands of people, do not ever post an article copy and paste, because it is guaranteed to be a total failure! The article first viral, then dicopas by other blogs in hopes of becoming viral as well, it is simply not going to work. The article first loads must have been many who read it, so it will be easy to get caught if no other blog copy and paste. Then who is willing to share the results copasan article? There is no! Though an important element that articles become viral is shared by many readers.
Instead of being viral, that there is even such articles result copasan drowned in the sea are the Google search engine. It's important to write something new. By writing new things that have not been discussed in other blogs, viralnya potential will be higher. Or if you want to write things that have ever been viral, write with our own style. Do not copy and paste!
2. Not News Liar
The news unique, strange, controversial, religiously, vilify the government, selling the people's suffering, it is easy to spread in social media. But in order not to raise the rate blog, we wrote a hoax. Not all internet users that want to be an agent of the slander, which is easy to believe the news and then come to share. Netizens who like to check the truth of an incident. Once we caught write hoax, then our good name in the blog world will be tarnished.
Therefore, it is important to write something that fits the facts and can be justified.
3. Stimulate Emotions Readers
Readers who want to share blog posts to social media accounts, certainly because of the content of the article without knowing it has affected his emotions, and hoping that her friends also read the article. If merely interesting and useful articles, readers do not necessarily want to share. The proof majority of bloggers would write things that are useful, but whether they be viral article? No, right?
Sample articles: 30 Creative Ways to Answer Questions 'When is Marriage?'
I personally rate, the article I demonstrated above that it is not useful. Even seem inconsequential, eccentric and can be misleading if there are real practice. But why are not useful article that became viral? Shared by thousands of people? That's because the reader's emotions touched after reading it.
Surely there among the readers of the article which then arises unbidden: "Want me to facebook bagiin ya. Suitable for nyindir people like nanya when I married." "Haha really fits like Eid. Bagiin ah." "Share ah, let my friends are troubled often ditanyain 'when marriage' read this." That is called managed to provoke emotion. Emotions excited because they feel got an answer. Emotions annoyed because during this often asked when the marriage, and to share the article was hoping people who love nanya-nanya it read. Etc.
So that articles become viral and disahre many readers, it is important to write something that could affect the reader's emotions, which can hit in the heart and mind. How to? When writing our position as a reader. That.
4. Put Pictures
In order for successful viral blog article, it is necessary to enter the image as a supporter of a post. Blog visitors would prefer to articles with pictures. Moreover, if articles are planned to be so viral that discuss matters unique, whimsical, inspirational stories, spectacular news. Without drawings or photographs, it could be people thought it was just a hoax, and they certainly will not want to share. And finally, the article that staying would be a viral gadangkan it fails.
5. Give Title Interesting
A title, can affect a person's decision to read an article or not. Then create an enticing title that could attract curious people to read it. But remember, do not put a title that does not match the contents of the article. Because it will make us regarded as a blogger PHP, and lower confidence of visitors to the blog.
Then how do I make a good blog article titles? Just look at four examples of titles below:
1. How to Answer Questions When is Marriage2. Creative Ways to Answer Questions When is Marriage3. 7 Creative Ways to Answer Questions When is Marriage4. 30 Creative Ways to Answer Questions When is Marriage
Which one has the possibility of greater reader clicks? Yeah right the number 4. The number 4 looks more interesting and intriguing.
6. Do not Be Too Long
Average activists facebook and twitter was not like reading writing long blog to exceed 3000 words, for example, especially if the language is rambling and unfocused. Boro-boro share, read to completion does not necessarily want to. So that the plan can be successful memviralkan article, the article is quick but solid and unbiased. But also not too short, because Google does not like to blog articles written is too short.
7. Ask Shared
In order for viral targets can be achieved quickly, at the end of the article there is no harm to write a request for help to the reader to share. For example: "Thanks for reading. Do not forget to shared yes, so that other friends who also know this information."
8. Find Time The Pas
Once the article is finished, find the right time to post. This is important in order to maximize the results viralnya. The right time was the time that social media users are many-many are online. Usually it happens during the hours of lunch break. If the night between the hours of 8 to 11 o'clock in the morning and during the hours of waking up, because it has so many Indonesian culture when I wake up instantly check social media accounts.The Right Time To Post

That should be avoided are posting on busy hours of work and study. Do not also post at the top of the clock one night, because the clock that much surely people have a lot of sleeping. Posted in the morning on days off should also be avoided, wait until at least 8 hours.
9. Spread Used Alone
Once published, our next task is to share articles to social media on our own, google plus, facebook, twitter, BBM, Line, and so on. Then share to the group-group on facebook. Share for communities to blog on twitter. Although the articles we write could predict viral 100%, but if we do as the blog owner just quietly not actively looking for the reader, might be the target viralnya fail, or if it works the results are not so satisfactory.
After that, we are just waiting and praying for the articles we have already had successful viral distributed.
It was just a few tips and tricks to make the blog articles become viral on social media. Presumably no one-one said I'm sorry. ^^


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