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Showing posts from April, 2009

Add Missing Embedded Comments Form to Blogger

Today I will show you how to fix your Blogger template if the embedded comments feature is missing or not working. I decided to write this article because I have noticed that the embed a comment below the post feature is often not working in many Blogger custom templates available for download. This is usually because many of these templates were released prior to Blogger enabling embedded comments. If you have downloaded a custom template that has embed a comment missing then read on as I will show you how to insert the code for embed a comment form into your template. Inserting code into a blog template can be challenging for some but if you follow these instructions it is not beyond even virtual beginners. 1. Login to Blogger if you are not already logged in 2. Navigate to Settings > Comments . Under Comment Form Placement make sure the Embedded below Post radio button is set. Save any changes you make. 3. Navigate to Layout > Edit HTML 4. I strongly recommend you back u...

Choose Your Own Blogger Post Date

In this tutorial I will show you how to set a different date from the actual date when posting to your Blogger Blogspot blog and discuss some of the benefits and uses of setting a different date. Benefits of Setting a Different Date Blogger permits a Blogger webmaster to set any publication date for a post they choose. This flexibility means that when you publish your entry it can be published retrospectively, in the here and now or for a future date. There are a variety of reasons for setting a particular publishing date for a post: Set a Retrospective Publication Date Some examples of situations where you may find it useful to set a post to a retrospective date are: In order to keep continuity with a sequence of articles. You might use this feature if you forget to post an article in a sequence or decide afterwards to add an extra article to the sequence. Another application for the retrospective date feature is to create a page such as an About page and attribute a specific dat...

Get More Comments on Your Blogger Blog

Do you want to get more comments on your Blogger Blogspot blog? Maybe you are wondering why you are not getting the level of comments on your blog that you had hoped for? Well don't panic. Traffic takes time to build and commenting on new blogs is always slow at first. You could resort to creating your own comments but I strongly advise against it. Apart from being unethical I find you can often spot ingenuine comments a mile away and its a major turn off. Instead take heart. In this article I will be focusing on 7 strategies you can employ to encourage your readers to comment and to build a great community around you in the process. Reasons Why a Visitor Might Post a Comment To start with let's look at some of the reasons people comment in the first place. I find readers tend to comment on my blog when they have found a solution to a problem or understood something that they haven't known about before. Another reason to comment is that they may ask how to questions ...

Add a Feedburner FeedFlare to Blogger Feed

If you have burned your Blogger Blogspot blog feed at Feedburner you can easily add a FeedFlare to the footer of the feed. FeedFlare helps you to distribute, inform and create a community around your content. Adding a FeedFlare to the feed of your blog allows readers to select from a range of social bookmarking links which appear at the end of each post. FeedFlare offers subscribers some easy ways to email, tag, share, and bookmark your blog content by linking them with a range of services such as Stumble Upon, Digg This, Facebook, Technorati, and Mixx. It is not difficult to add a FeedFlare to your Blogger feed but it does require you to add a snippet of code to the template of your blog. Don't be put off as I will guide you through this process by providing a step by step walkthrough. This tutorial caters for all levels of technical knowledge from the newbie Blogger to the experienced Blogger. To see a FeedFlare in action right now check out the end of each post ...

Bloggers Guide to Google Adsense Myths

I get a lot of interest in my articles about Google Adsense on Blogger Blogspot blogs. In this article I discuss 6 common myths about Google Adsense that will help you get real about placing Adsense on your Blogger blog. Google Adsense Myths Every Blogspot Bloggers Needs to Know There are a number of myths about Google Adsense which can lead new bloggers in particular into believing that they need only slap a few Google Ad units on their blog and they will become instant millionaires. The reality can be a lot different especially when you consider that 95% of all blogs receive less than 100 visitors per day . Adding Google Adsense to your blog can generate some income but there is a need to be realistic. Here are 6 myths about Google Adsense that every blogger needs to know: Myth 1. Google Adsense is a Get Rich Quick Scheme False. Only a small percentage of bloggers actually make a living from their blog. It is definitely possible to make some money from Google Adsense Ad units but bea...

Add a Welcome Message to Blogger Blog

Would you like to welcome visitors to your Blogger Blogspot blog with a simple welcome message? In this tutorial I will show you how to add a short welcome message to your Blogger sidebar using the text gadget. This tutorial is aimed at beginner bloggers and those new to Blogger. How to Add a Welcome Message to the Blogger Sidebar 1. Login to Blogger if you are not already signed in 2. From the Dashboard select the link to your blog. If you have more than one blog you will need to choose from a list of your blogs displayed on the dashboard 3. Navigate to the Layout > Page Elements page by clicking on the Layout tab and then the Page Elements link. 4. Click on Add a Gadget in the sidebar of your blog 5. Choose the Text gadget from the list. 6. Paste the following into the content box of the gadget: To Your Blog Name. Add your own welcome message here. Write something that will tell readers about your blog 7. Bold Your Blog Name by highlighting the Your Blog Name text and sele...

Submit Blogger Blog to Blog Directories

This article discusses the benefits of submitting your Blogger Blogspot blog to blog directories and provides a comprehensive list of some of the best blog directories on the internet. This is an introductory article aimed at the new Blogspot blogger but is suitable for any blogger who wishes to build site traffic quickly. Benefits of Submitting to Blog Directories By adding your Blogger Blogspot blog to blog directories you are likely to increase your site traffic expotentially. If your site has been languishing in the doldrums and not getting the kind of traffic you were expecting it could be that you haven't generated enough inbound links to your site. Signing up to some top performing blog directories will create quality backlinks and expose your site to many potential visitors. I have signed up for each blog directory in the recommended list below and in all cases have found that they have generated at least some site traffic. A few have boosted traffic considerably and h...

Burn Blogger RSS Feeds at Feedburner

In this tutorial I will guide you through the step by step process of burning your Blogger feed at Feedburner , updating your blog settings to reflect the new feed and adding a RSS icon to the sidebar of your blog so your visitors can subscribe to your new RSS feed. Although redirecting your blog feeds through Feedburner is relatively straightforward I will be including some tips to simplify the process. This tutorial is suitable for all levels of technical knowledge but is particularly aimed at those readers new to blogging with Blogger. There are lots of good reasons for burning your Blogger feeds with a free service like Feedburner . Among the advantages are better feed presentation, detailed tracking statistics and access to the large choice of feed readers available. For a full discussion of the benefits of burning your Blogger blog feed at Feedburner including an explanation of Blogger RSS feeds please refer to my article Blogger RSS Feeds and Feedburner . How to Burn Your Bl...

Blogger RSS Feeds and Feedburner

In this article you will learn about Blogger Blogspot RSS feeds and about the benefits of burning your Blogger feeds at Feedburner. What are RSS Feeds? Your Blogger feeds are a means of distributing your blog content to the world. Feeds make it possible to maximise exposure of your blog's content beyond a few visitors browsing your blog. Feeds can be subscribed to via a web portal, news reader, or email. Feeds allow your blog content to be packaged into all sorts of widgets and gadgets and mobile devices that can be displayed just about anywhere. RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication . RSS is a standardized web format used to create a document containing your blog posts, blog comments or any other content on your blog you choose including images, music and video. As Blogger has built in RSS feeds, everytime you publish a post Blogger automatically adds your post to the default feeds. How much of your Blogger post that is displayed in your feed depends on whether you have chosen...

Add Google Adsense to Blogger Header

In this Blogger tutorial you will learn how to add Google Adsense to the header of your Blogger blog. This article assumes no knowledge of Blogger and provides a walkthrough of the steps involved to add Google Adsense to the header of your blog. This is the third Blogger tutorial in a series on adding Google Adsense to a Blogger blog (Blogspot blog). Place Google Adsense Below Post Title in Blogger Better Placement of Google Adsense on a Blogger Blog How To Add Google Adsense to the Header (Above the Title) If you want to add Google Adsense to your header for instance above the title you can by adjusting your template to give you the option of adding more than one widget to the header area. Login to Blogger and navigate to Design > Edit HTML Back up your template as a precaution by downloading the full template to your computer Using CTRL + F to bring up the search box find the following line of code. For default Blogger templates - Layout (2006) such as Minima, Thisaway and Sand...